Offered in Stamford CT and Surrounding Areas!

Feline Behavior Modification Package $380

The Feline Behavior Modification Package is designed to help you fix any problem behaviors your cat has developed. Such behaviors include aggression, litter box avoidance, indoor spraying, and over grooming. Click here for a full list of the issues we help with. Our Feline Behavior Modification Package is ONLY available to cat parents in Stamford CT and surrounding areas. Contact us here!

The FBM Package includes:

  • 1 x 60 min home visit by our certified cat behaviorist, Gunhild Jensen.
  • A complete assessment of your cat’s situation, history, and environment.
  • Verbal advice on how to address the problem(s) (provided during the consultation).
  • A detailed written behavior modification plan (provided via e-mail after the consultation).
  • 2 x 45 min follow-up home visit (2-3 and 6-7 weeks after the initial consultation).
  • Unlimited email follow-ups after and in between home visits.
Yuki Relaxing! Photo by: Gunhild Jensen.

Before the initial consultation, you must complete a detailed questionnaire about your cat’s personality and medical history. The questionnaire will be provided to you by Smiling Kitty.Before the initial consultation, you must take your cat to the vet. Many behavior problems in cats are symptoms of pain or illness. For that reason, possible health causes must be ruled out beforehand. Behavior modification cannot cure illness. Smiling Kitty is NOT a veterinarian service, and our consultations and training plans cannot replace medical treatment.

Feline Training Sessions $35

Our feline training sessions are add-ons to our Feline Behavior Modification Package. Depending on the problem your cat presents with, our behaviorist may recommend supplementing the behavior modification plan with professional cat training. In such cases, our behaviorist will come to your home and train your cat personally. Each session is 45 min long, and the price is $35 per session. We offer feline training in Stamford CT and surrounding areas only.

Cat Relaxing
Photo by: Amanda Pedersen.
Healthy Cat Play. Photo by: Arina Krasnikova.

Once a pet cat has developed a problem behavior, it disrupts the harmony in the family. Unwanted scratching can ruin furniture and treasured heirlooms, while cats eliminating outside their litter boxes create health and hygiene concerns for everyone. Excessive meowing and yowling can result in disputes with neighbors or landlords, and even mild cases of aggression can lead to cat rehoming and premature euthanasia. We also don’t like seeing our animal companions unhappy, so depression and lethargy in cats tend to bring about similar conditions in their human companions. Furthermore, cat anxiety can cause them to self-harm, thereby jeopardizing their health.

Solving cat behavior problems, preventing surrenders, euthanasia, and general cat distress is our primary mission here at Smiling Kitty. We wish to stop quick, misguided, and cruel practices such as the declawing of cats and the use of shock collars and similar devices to modify behavior. Instead, we offer humane solutions, detailed advice, and individually tailored behavior modification plans. Each plan is based on a face-to-face consultation in your home and a thorough assessment of your cat’s situation, life history, personality, and living conditions. Plans include one follow-up visit by our lead behaviorist and may include additional training sessions. Our problem-solving services are offered in Stamford CT and surrounding areas only. Below is a list of the issues we cover, and we are happy to answer any questions you might have. Contact us here to make an appointment.