Cats are wonderful life companions. They are warm and cuddly with a natural curiosity and playfulness that makes them fun, engaging family members. A purring cat can brighten up a gloomy day, and a cat’s unique personality can bring a lot of joy. We only need to look online at the numerous cat videos, photographs, and stories that are out there to see how interesting and entertaining they are. For all those reasons and more, cats are popular pets.

Anyone who wishes to adopt an animal, however, needs to consider if their lifestyle, knowledge, and experience allow them to be good pet parents. We can be tempted to adopt a pet because of something we hear, see, read, or remember from our childhood, but novelty, cute footage, and fond memories should not be the decisive factors. Instead, we must consider if we have the right home, work schedule, and general lifestyle necessary to provide proper care.Cats especially suffer from the general misconception that they are low-maintenance pets that take care of themselves and don’t require much to be happy. This is not the case. They are social creatures with needs specific to their species that must be met for them to thrive and successfully integrate into their new human families.



Thoughtful Kitten. Photo by: Christina Lyshøj.
Playful Cat. Photo by: Gunhild Jensen.

If you are thinking of adopting a cat, Smiling Kitty can help! We offer guidance on minimum home requirements, cat biology, and basic cat care that any new cat owner should know. Book a Cat Care Consultation with us to ensure that your home will also be the perfect home for your new feline friend!