Cat health is not just about the correct diet, nutrition, and regular trips to the vet. Play is another critical factor in ensuring that your feline friend has a high quality of life. Studies show that each cat should have at least two 15-20 min play sessions per day. A cat will become depressed if you never play with them, so you must consider if your schedule permits you to meet this need for play before acquiring a cat. 

Obesity is a big problem among pet cats, especially if they live as indoor cats. Regular play sessions help your cat exercise and keep a healthy weight. Play is also an essential source of enrichment for your cat. Through play, domestic cats will imitate natural hunting behaviors and experience the triumph of “the kill” once “the prey,” in this case the toy, is caught. Play alleviates boredom and stimulates your cat’s cognitive and physical skills. Without regular play sessions or access to toys, cats may become lethargic, depressed, or develop compulsive behaviors.

Simba’s Moving Box! Photo by: Gunhild Jensen.
New Home. Photo by: Emine.

When moving with cats, you need to plan with them in mind and implement strategies that consider their needs. If you are looking for advice on how to do that, Smiling Kitty can help! We can tell you how to reduce cat moving stress, how to pack and unpack, what to do and what to avoid, and in the case of outdoor/indoor cats, how to introduce them to a new outdoor environment. Book a Cat Care Consultation with us to ensure that your cat has a comfortable transition to your new home!