Gunhild Jensen is the owner and founder of Smiling Kitty – a Stamford CT-based cat behavior business that offers expert help and guidance to cat owners around the world. Gunhild is a certified Cat Behaviorist and holds a degree in Advanced Feline Training and Behavior from the Animal Behavior Institute (ABI) in Durham, NC. She provides guidance on all things cat, including common behavior, home needs, nutrition, leash training, declawing, cat health, and more.

Why do cats love sunlight?

Any human who lives with a cat or two is bound to have noticed the special connection between cats and sunlight. Often, our feline friends look both majestic and relaxed when basking in the sun. They will also perform strange acrobatics and yoga-like stretches to fit into small sunny spots and will even move with…

What is a Tuxedo Cat?

Tuxedo does not refer to a specific cat breed but to a two-color coat pattern. The nature of the color pattern makes it look like the cat is wearing a tuxedo, hence the name. For that reason, most people think of a tuxedo cat as black and white, and it might surprise you to learn…

What is a Tortoiseshell Cat?

Tortoiseshell does not refer to a specific cat breed but to a beautiful, multi-colored coat pattern with a similar structure and color scheme to that of a tortoise’s shell. It comes in many color variations but primarily consists of ginger and black with white, orange, gold, or cream touches. Many people mistake tortoiseshell cats with…

The History of Cat Breeds: The Sphynx

The history of the domestic cat began about eight thousand years ago when cats first started hanging around human settlements because they provided easy access to food and shelter. Cats would eat the rodents that threatened our grain stores and sleep in our barns. In other words, the cat chose to seek out human companionship…

What is a Calico Cat?

Calico does not refer to a specific cat breed but to a tri-color coat pattern, consisting of white, orange, and black. Calico cats can be domestic cats of any breed. The calico pattern is typically 25% to 75% white with large orange and black patches. Sometimes, patches can be cream or grey – a pattern…

Cat Holiday Safety Tips

The holiday season is upon us again, so it is time to remember the potential hazards it brings to the health and safety of our feline friends. Here are a few tips: Tinsel, String, and Ribbons. Strings and ribbons are fascinating to cats and often part of a good toy. Catnip mice can have long…

Seasonal Allergies in Cats

Spring is finally here! Trees are budding, flowers are blooming, and the grass is green again. But springtime is also allergy season, and just like humans, cats can be susceptible to seasonal allergies. They can feel the impact of environmental allergens such as pollen, mold, and dust mites as strongly as we can. Why do…

Are cats colorblind?

You might be surprised to learn that the answer to this question is no. Cats do indeed see colors, just not all of them! Humans and cats both have two types of color receptors in their eyes: cones and rods. The cones handle vision during the day and color perception. Rods tackle what can be…