Cat health is not just about the correct diet, nutrition, and regular trips to the vet. Play is another critical factor in ensuring that your feline friend has a high quality of life. Studies show that each cat should have at least two 15-20 min play sessions per day. Lack of play is the root cause of many behavior problems, and regular play strengthens the human-cat bond considerably. A cat will become depressed if you never play with them, so you must consider if your work schedule permits you to meet this need for play before acquiring a cat. Different cats have different personalities and will, therefore, also prefer different types of play. Kittens have more energy than older cats, and their behavior greatly improves the more you play with them. Play preferences may also change as your cat gets older.


Obesity is a big problem among pet cats, especially if they live as indoor cats. Regular play sessions help your cat exercise and keep a healthy weight. Play is also an essential source of enrichment for your cat. Through play, domestic cats will imitate natural hunting behaviors and experience the triumph of “the kill” once “the prey,” in this case, the toy is caught. Play alleviates boredom and stimulates your cat’s cognitive and physical skills. Without regular play sessions or access to toys, cats may become lethargic, depressed, or develop compulsive behaviors

Kittens Playing
Kittens Playing. Photo by: Christina Lyshøj.

What toys should you use?

Laser Pointers

Smiling Kitty is not a big advocate for the use of laser pointers. These toys may achieve the first aim—to exercise your cat—but they will never give your cat the pleasure of “the kill.” Your cat will trace “the prey,” in this case the dot, around forever but never actually catch or “kill” it. This trick is not fair to your cat, and in the long run, it will result in frustration instead of satisfaction.

Wand Toys

Wand toys are excellent sources of enrichment. With a wand toy, you can imitate the movements of a mouse, bird, or other prey, while spending some quality time with your cat. How to move the toy correctly to entice your cat can be a bit of an art form. Imagine how a mouse would run or how a bird would hop on the ground and experiment with different speed levels.


A light foam ball is another great toy that your cat can move and chase on its own. The benefit of a foam ball over something like a ping pong ball is that your cat will be able to dig its claws and teeth into it once the ball has been caught.

Interactive Toys

Battery-driven, interactive toys can be an easy way to exercise your cat, but you do need to be careful. Cats will bite their toys, and some interactive toys may include small plastic parts that can be dangerous to your cat if swallowed. You also need to make sure that your cat cannot access the batteries. This precaution is vital if the toy runs on small, flat batteries. They can look tempting to your cat if they fall out and may end up in their stomach.

“Dead Prey”

“Dead prey” would be any other, non-moving toys that your cat may have, such as cotton mice and catnip toys. Whereas these toys do not automatically stimulate your cat’s chase/hunt/kill behavior, they are very important. In the wild, cats like to play with their dead prey, and you should not deprive your feline friend of that pleasure.

Wand Toy. Photo by: Anna Hinckel.
Dead Prey
Dead Prey. Photo by: Gunhild Jensen.

Do NOT use your hands, feet, or other body parts as toys! You do not want to teach your cat that you are fair game! You also should not allow your cat to chew on a string, curling ribbons, and the like. It can end up in the stomach and result in serious, life-threatening intestinal problems that will require surgery.


Healthy cats never lose interest in play, but they may need to be retrained in play behavior if they have gone without it for a long time. If you need advice on how to play with your cat, Smiling Kitty can help! We can assist you in creating age-appropriate play sessions for your feline friend and advise you on play techniques and correct toy choices. Book a Cat Care Consultation with us to discuss what you and your cat need!


If you live in the Stamford CT area, you can also book a Kitty Spa Day for your cat through Smiling Kitty and have our expert cat behaviorist provide quality playtime. Read more here!